

Frequently Asked Question

What is home care?

According to the Canadian Home Care Association home care is defined as an integrated “array of services, provided in the home and community setting, that encompass health promotion and teaching, curative intervention, end of life care, rehabilitation, support and maintenance, social adaptation and integration, and support for the family caregiver”.

What happens if a caregiver gets injured while in my home?

All employees are covered by workplace insurance, in case of an accident or injury while working in a client’s home. You don’t have to worry about covering any out of work expenses.

How are your caregivers screened?

Our screening process is very thorough to ensure all of our caregivers are a good match with our company. We perform a vulnerable sector criminal record check, reference checks, and we require specific certifications based on the position.

How do you know what I need?

The initial in-home assessment allows you to tell us what you need. You then have the opportunity to ask for input from our experienced home care professionals, who are happy to guide you to find the best solutions for your situation.

Who needs home care?

Anyone who feels that their time would be better spent on the things they enjoy instead of struggling through tasks they find difficult. This could be a senior who is tired of doing the vacuuming, someone who needs some assistance getting dressed in the morning so they can go out and enjoy their day, or someone caring for a loved one that needs a few hours off to do something for themselves. Home care services are flexible to meet the very personal needs of each individual.

Why choose home care over a retirement home or long-term care?

Although each option has its pros and cons, home care is well suited for people who want complete flexibility in the services they choose. Home care services are available wherever you are, so this allows you to stay where you are most comfortable. Home care can be financially sensible for seniors who own their homes. In-home support allows you to decide how much care you need, and when you need it, leaving you in control. Home care can also be provided in a retirement home or long-term care facility if additional one-on-one care is required.

Are your caregivers bonded and insured?

Yes, absolutely.

Are your services conflicting with the government?

No. Our services begin where the government funded home care program ends, and we work in collaboration with them.

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